Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Keeping that Positive Attitude

A positive attitude can be a tricky thing.  I've read numerous articles, books, treatises, testimonials, and advertisements about "positive attitudes."  Football coaches, cancer survivors, former athletes, people who cut off their own arm in order to get themselves out of a ridiculously harrowing position they put themselves into hundreds of miles from humanity (but I digress); all have a "message" about why you need to keep your chin up.

My message?  It ain't easy.

Now you might want me to elaborate on such a vague statement of the obvious.  Being the generous sort, I'm going to give you the goods.

As stated before in this marvelous collection of my wit and wisdom, I have been sending out copy after copy of my demo to agents.  To date, I have sent over 75 e-mails with the mp3 attached and 12 CD copies to various agents and casting directors.  I have also sent the demo to advertising agencies and at least one radio station.  The response thus far?  Two agents contacted me for interviews.  Of those two interviews, I have signed with exactly zero agents.  Now, I know it's early in the game, but one could begin to resign oneself to failure.  It's not cheap sending CD's to faceless, heartless (unless you sign me), and anonymous agencies.  The CD, the jewel case, the envelopes, the labels, the postage; it all adds up. . .quickly.  So, yeah, it would be easy for me to just give up and forget about living life in the fast lane as America's Newest Voice Talent Sensation. 

No, not me.

I know that finding an agent is a "numbers game" (Thanks to Marc Graue for that one); the more I send out, the better my chances.  Also, I have to realize that agents don't necessarily listen to demos every day, every week, or every month.  It may take weeks to hear back.  Some agencies will keep my CD around and may go back to it sometime in the future when they can't find what they're looking for.  This may sound like "pie in the sky" histrionics, but I believe it to be true.  My life, thus far, has shown me that just when it looks like a good time to cut bait and move on, something comes along to change everything.  I just need to be patient.

Maybe a separate blog about my lack of patience is more appropriate.

So, instead of giving up, I'm looking for other ways to get my voice out there.  Twitter, facebook, Actor's Access, and other internet media.  I'm also getting my headshot done to include in my profile and finding other ways to get my demo in the ether.  In the meantime, I'll take what's available, get my experience, and keep moving forward.

That's my idea of a positive attitude.  Not just words, but actions.  Maybe I should be a motivational speaker. . .

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